Editing the Copy, Reading the Proof: Copyediting vs. Proofreading

Though the terms are often used interchangeably, copyediting and proofreading are technically quite different. Join me on a mini etymological journey to clarify the difference and illustrate when you need each type of editing. And let me know if you spot any typos!

Knights of the Writing Table: The Importance of Community

Writing may be a solitary endeavor, but it is definitely not a solitary art. That probably doesn’t make sense. Let me explain. Writing is between you and the paper (or screen). Unless you’re writing with a co-author, you will be the one putting together the words. But the art of …

A Tale of Two Books: Writing a Satisfying Ending

I’ve been thinking a lot about satisfying endings lately. In the last few weeks, I read two recent YA books. Both post-apocalyptic, both science fiction, both basically about superheroes. Both by female authors, if that matters. Upon finishing The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf by Ambelin Kwaymullina, I thought, “This is one of …

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